Welcome. Come on in and discover some songs and stories from The Club. If you’re not familiar with how The Club works, here’s a quick overview.
When you join The Club you are with a small group of peers for 10 weeks at a time. Each week we give The Club a specific songwriting task. The songwriting task includes a theme, a guideline and a time limit of one hour which gives you your starting point and a framework to keep you focused. You write your own song each week and share what you’ve created with your group members who have also done the same thing.
The point of this practice isn’t to write ‘the perfect song’ – it’s simply to write, and to write regularly, because the more you write, the better you get! And when you do, great things happen.
And after writing 30, 40, 50 songs, you’ll have clarity on what really works and what doesn’t whilst developing and strengthening your songwriting skills. The songs that do really work, you can confidently take these to the studio to record and release.
Discover more about how songs are written in I Heart Songwriting Club below…
Listen to songs written by our members
Spin to the wheel to listen to some songs that were written in The Club by our members, that then went on to be recorded and released. Discover the themes that each song was written to and how each songwriter uniquely approached the same songwriting task.
Let’s Play!
How would you approach these songwriting tasks?
Choose one of the above themes, set a timer for 1 hour and see what you can create in that time.
Remember, the songs you’ve just listened to have been reworked. They didn’t sound like this after 1 hour of writing.
Stay open to whatever ideas come, suspend your judgement and let your creativity flow. Happy Songwriting!

For your listening pleasure and discovery, check out more songs from the club in our Songs from The Club YouTube Playlist.
The Journey of a Song in I Heart Songwriting Club
Not every song written lives on past the initial creation. In fact, it is said that 90% of what you create is not used. So what happens to the other 10% of your songs?
I Heart Songwriting Club gives songwriters the space to write something quickly so you can write the necessary 90%, but also the feedback and guidance to polish and refine the 10% to take out to the world.
Let’s take a look at the evolution of a song in I Heart Songwriting Club.
After you’ve written your song for the week, simply make a rough recording of the song on a voice memo app and submit it to your group for feedback by your peers. The best part about the feedback is that it offers simple guidance around what works and what doesn’t, which is helpful to know if this is a 90% or a 10% song and offers relief around any self-doubts you might have around your song, which is a massive confidence booster for any songwriter!
Club Member, Leanne Tennant (Artist name: LT), an alternative, blues, folk, indie artist from Cairns, Australia, has very generously offered to show the evolution of her song “Bring It All Back” written in The Club from it’s first draft to release.

The Evolution of “Bring it back” by LT
Cool Timeline
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